måndag 4 augusti 2008

Design Talks: Supercars of the late 60's

On my new little section "Design Talks" I'll look at some design case studies that interest me. First out is the supercars of the late 60's and early 70's. They are interesting for several reasons. The designs have sprung from technical innovations like the mid-engine layout, but are also politically inspired by the space age race to the moon. Lines are simple technical and clean resembling the architecture and interior design of the late 90's or perhaps modern day highly designed tools. Only, it's the other way around.

With the innovation of the mid-engine layout and with space age inspiration, the 60's gave birth to the first incarnation of the supercar. This concept would keep on evolving until mid 70's where the oil crisis and an economic downward spiral put an end to the futuristic supercar dreams.

Besides improving car handling, the mid-engine layout enabled designers to integrate the angle of the shorter bonnet with the windshield, effectively creating a bulletlike profile. The 1968 Alfa Romeo Carabo, designed by Marcello Gandini is a nice example.


It's incredible to me how modern-looking some of these cars were. Look for example at this spaceship inspired 1970 Lancia Stratos:


There were also more extreme concept cars. The 1970 Ferrari Modulos for example, that bent the rules and limits of the Ferrari brand. The concept picked up no less than 22 design awards worldwide.


The 1970 Porsche Tapiro is another amazing car from Giorgetto Giugiaro of Ital Design.

Porsche_VW_Tapiro.jpg Porsche_Tapiro_Side.jpg

The Tapiro is also the forerunner and design inspiration of the legendary Lotus Esprit. Below are sketches for the Esprit, and you can clearly see the similarities to the Tapiro above.


Introduced in 1972, the Esprit was the symbol of luxury and power in movies like Pretty Woman, Basic Instinct, For Your Eyes Only and The Spy Who Loved Me. Look at the skies on the roof. Got to love that.


Shown at the same Ital Design show as the Esprit was also my favorite of them all – the 1972 Maserati Boomerang. Give me one of these, and I'll drive you anywhere. Look at the interior design of this thing!


With this little design talk I hope to inspire a little bit of courage. These cars were very extreme at the time of their conception. They still are today.

The design world needs courage and outrageousnes. It is what pushes the limits. I doubt that the highly succesful Lotus Esprit would have ever existed without its less famous predecessors. So keep moving, keep pushing the envelope and have fun. This is the only way to evolve.

Pictures and info from www.lotusespritturbo.com.

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