söndag 21 september 2008

Broadcast your Identity & Do good as you do well

Rob Walker, columnist at New York Times recently published this book, Buying in.
It's about how we conciously or unconciously define who we are in what we buy. I'd say we do it conciously. Today, we want to broadcast our identity as much as we want to talk about ourselves. And, of course you want to buy something in which you believe in. You also want to show the world who you are in relating yourself to a specific brand with a specific story. There are of course other ways in showing who you are. For example Mr Damien Hirst who skipped the Art Gallery and went to the auction and got 1, something billions for one of his work and 2 days later posted a checque of 10 millions of something to a Shelter in London. Talking about broadcasting your identity and doing good as you are doing well.

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